Jared Addison

Member Profile
How has NATO membership been impactful to you and/or your business?Becoming a NATO member has truly helped our organization. When the pandemic hit, we as an industry didn’t know what the future held with theatrical exhibition. NATO was there to talk with the studios about getting new releases back on the calendar, and then help execute SVOG which helped a good majority of the small businesses stay open during those difficult times. As an individual, I have met so many wonderful people in this industry that I wouldn’t have met without being part of NATO. Even though it’s a big industry, once you start meeting new people, you realize it feels like a tight-knit group, and everyone wants to see you succeed in business and life.
I started out in retail and managed multiple locations for a Fortune 500 company. I had a regular customer that always came into my store in Austin, TX and five years later, he walks into my store in Fayetteville, AR. He was in the middle of building a dine-in movie theater and while I was chatting with him, he was telling me about this project he was working on in Bentonville, AR. My ears perked up and I was excited about what what he had going on. He later called me and asked if I would be interested in managing this location. It’s a pretty funny story, and a total God thing for this to happen.
I love what I do, and I was told that if you find something you like doing you will never work a day in your life. I enjoy learning new things and surrounding myself with people who also want to succeed. From my Monday calls with our booking agent, Kelly Sanders, and our owner, to Tuesday calls with my Film Row Mentor/Mentee, Alex Purcell, I love the theatrical industry as a whole. There is so much a person can learn, and with NATO, they give you the resources to find those answers.
Some of the memorable moments we have hosted here in Bentonville would be Geena Davis’ Bentonville Film Festival where we have had guests like Meg Ryan, Judge Reinhold, the cast Spiderman Into the Spiderverse, and of course, Geena Davis.
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That’s a tough one! My very first date with my high school sweetheart (now my wife) was going to a theater to see National Lampoon’s Vegas Vacation. It was more about seeing her than the movie.
I feel the dine-in experience with scratch made food is helping elevate the moviegoing experience. It excites me when I am talking with someone and they ask where I work, and then they respond with, “I love your chicken sandwich” or,”Your Bulgogi Noodle bowl is my fav.” It’s neat hearing people enjoy the experience we have created for them.
Seek advice from everyone you come in contact with. From the technicians, to the booking agent, and everyone in between. There is so much information you can learn and it is so beneficial for you and your future. You will also see that everyone you seek information from is willing to help you or help you find your answer.