WASHINGTON D.C. (March 18, 2024) – CinemaCon is proud to recognize Patrick Stickney as the winner of the CinemaCon 2024 Art Contest for his work titled “Grand Exterior,” Mitch Neuhauser, Managing Director of CinemaCon, announced today. CinemaCon, the official convention of NATO, will be held April 8-11, 2024, at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.
“Stickney’s ‘Grand Exterior’ captures the essence, anticipation, and excitement of not just CinemaCon 2024, but that of moviegoing as a whole,” noted Neuhauser. “Patrick Stickney, via this initiative, represents the dedication and commitment of the global theater workforce in making the experience of going to the movies extra special. Our heartfelt congratulations to Patrick for his exceptional contribution to CinemaCon.”

Patrick Stickney, a General Manager at Classic Cinemas Elk Grove XQ in Elk Grove Village, IL, will receive a free trip to this year’s CinemaCon. His winning artwork will be prominently featured throughout the convention and showcased on t-shirts provided to all attendees. In describing his work, Stickney stated, “The Grand Marquee is what we, as guests, notice first; the warm inviting exterior will welcome anyone to your establishment.”
Sponsored by Mobile Moviegoing, the CinemaCon 2024 Art Contest was open to all creative, artistic and talented motion picture theater employees of companies represented on NATO’s advisory board. Stickney’s entry stood out for its creativity, originality, and thematic alignment with the contest’s goals.
Approved press image of “Grand Exterior” can be downloaded here.
About CinemaCon
CinemaCon attracts upwards of 6,000 motion picture professionals from all facets of the industry – from exhibition and distribution to the equipment and concession areas – all on hand to celebrate the movie-going experience and the cinema industry.
CinemaCon is delighted to have both the International Cinema Technology Association (ICTA) and National Association of Concessionaires (NAC) as its tradeshow partners. CinemaCon is also thrilled to have The Coca-Cola Company – one of the industry’s most highly regarded and respected partners in the world of the movies – as its official presenting sponsor.
About NATO
The National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO) is the largest exhibition trade organization in the world, representing more than 32,000 movie screens in all 50 states, and more than 30,000 screens in 88 countries worldwide. NATO’s membership includes the largest cinema chains in the world as well as hundreds of independent theatre owners.
Additional information about CinemaCon can be found at cinemacon.com.
Media Contact
Heather Lewandoski